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Requirements to

get married in California

  • Both persons must be 18 year old.
  • Any person previously married must show divorce documents.
  • A valid ID: card, license or passport.


  • Witness signature on wedding certificate (1-4 signatures).
  • Exchange of rings ceremony, candle ceremony, sand ceremony, rope ceremony, etc.

Attention Additional Requirements:

* Total price of the wedding is required to reserve a date and time, and the payment is NON-REFUNDABLE


* Any rescheduling of a wedding will incur a $50.00 charge for rescheduling fee, and they must be done at least one week prior to the original agreed wedding date. 

Our Fees:

For all wedding plans a deposit of 50% of the select plan must be made in order to reserve the date which is not refundable, and all wedding must be paid before the date of the marriage.

Please read the following before attending any appointment.

Have​ you or anyone in your household had any of the following symptoms in the last 21 days: sore throat, cough, chills, body aches for unknown reasons, shortness of breath for unknown reasons, loss of smell, loss of taste, fever at or greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit?

Have you or anyone in your household been tested for COVID-19?

Have you or anyone in your household visited or received treatment in a hospital, nursing home, long-term care, or other health care facility in the past 30 days?

Have you or anyone in your household traveled in the U.S. in the past 21 days?

Have you or anyone in your household traveled on a cruise ship in the last 21 days?

Are you or anyone in your household a health care provider or emergency responder?

Have you or anyone in your household cared for an individual who is in quarantine or is a presumptive positive or has tested positive for COVID-19?

Do you have any reason to believe you or anyone in your household has been exposed to or acquired COVID-19?

To the best of your knowledge have you been in close proximity to any individual who tested positive for COVID-19?

If you answered “yes” to any question, your responses should be reviewed by a designated medical leader to assess whether to keep or cancel the scheduled appointment.

Plan A: Desk Wedding Cost $250.00​

  • Desk wedding no witnesses, only the couple getting married.
  • No use of the chapel.
  • We provide marriage license
  • We turn in marriage license to County Clerk Recorder's Office
  • We fill out the marriage certified copy request form and notarized it.
  • We provide a “Keepsake marriage certificate”

Plan B: Chapel Wedding Cost $350.00​

  • We provide marriage license
  • We turn in marriage license to County Clerk Recorder's Office
  • We do the marriage ceremony in our Chapel.
  • Seating for up to 6 people
  • We fill out the marriage certified copy request form and notarized it.
  • We provide a “Keepsake marriage certificate”

Plan C: Chapel Wedding Cost $450.00

  • We provide marriage License
  • We turn in the marriage license to County Clerk Recorder's Office
  • We do the marriage ceremony in our Chapel.
  • Seating for up to 12 guests including children
  • We fill out the marriage certified copy request form and notarized it.
  • We provide a “Keepsake marriage certificate”

Plan D: Wedding at Your Location Cost $550.00

  • Your location inside the County of Santa Clara or Alameda

  • We provide the Marriage License

  • We do the Marriage Ceremony

  • We fill out the marriage certified copy request form & notarized it.

  • We provide a “Keepsake marriage certificate”

  • We turn in the marriage license to County Clerk Recorder's Office

Service Prices

Compare the our service packages and find the best fit for you.


Option A


Package Offers

1 - Confidential Marriage License Issued by Santa Clara Clerk Recorder's Office

1 - Marriage Certificate Issued by Santa Clara Clerk Recorder's Office

1 - Keepsake Certificate

Desk Wedding, 

Couple getting Married Only,

No guest


Option B


Package Offers

1 - Confidential Marriage License Issued by Santa Clara Clerk Recorder's Office

1 - Marriage Certificate Issued by Santa Clara Clerk Recorder's Office

1 - Keepsake Certificate

Ceremony officiated in our 

Office Chapel 4 guest.



Option C


Package Offers

1 - Confidential Marriage License Issued by Santa Clara Clerk Recorder's Office

1 - Marriage Certificate Issued by Santa Clara Clerk Recorder's Office

1 - Keepsake Certificate

Ceremony officiated in our 

Office Chapel 15 guest.



Option D


Package Offers

1 - Confidential Marriage License Issued by Santa Clara Clerk Recorder's Office

1 - Marriage Certificate Issued

by Santa Clara Clerk

Recorder's Office

1 - Keepsake Certificate

Ceremony officiated within the limits of Santa Clara County. 

(some restrictions may apply)

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